Maybe you saved, maybe you didn’t...but college is now right around the corner.

And the process and costs are causing you stress. But you are not alone and you don’t have to go it alone.

Late-Stage College Planning

Advice and services for parents with teenagers:

  1. No Shame zone. Release any negative emotions over lack of savings.

  2. Being Informed. Calculate financial aid eligibility and the likelihood of receiving merit scholarships.

  3. Being Strategic. Make smart decisions with what they have saved for college (if any).

  4. Evaluate ROI. Evaluate the total return on investment with child’s expected salary and ability to pay off student loans.

  5. Retirement 1st. Assess your likelihood of achieving retirement goals before dedicating resources to college. (optional)

Here are some of the common concerns that parents come to us with:

  • Do I make too much money to qualify for financial aid?

  • How are assets counted?

    • Student versus parents

    • Education plans versus retirement plans

  • If I don’t qualify or receive other types of aid, how else can I save on college?

  • Are there advantages or disadvantages to applying early decision?

  • What are the parents’ and student’s options for borrowing?

  • Where and what are the chances of finding private scholarships?

  • How do athletic or scholarships impact financial aid?

  • Will I be eligible for education tax credits or deductions?

  • How much does college REALLY cost?

BeingFIT for College™


Education and Resources.

  • Public resources open to all:

    • Webinars with valuable general tips

    • In-person educational workshops (currently only in Walpole, MA)

    • Private Facebook Group

  • Private custom trainings for groups or organizations:

    • Webinars with opportunity for questions and discussions

    • In-person educational workshops (anywhere in the US)

  • Speaking engagements (anywhere in the US)


Early College Planning.

  • Determine and establish college savings goals

  • Evaluate types of investment accounts to save for college

  • Incorporate early private education planning if desired

  • Coordinated investment strategy for all accounts earmarked for education

  • Balancing of education goals with other short and long term savings goals

  • Flexible planning strategies for student-athletes that may or not receive athletic scholarships

Late-Stage College Planning.

  • Financial Aid Consultation:

    • Opportunity to minimize your Expected Family Contribution (EFC)

    • FAFSA and CSS completion assistance

  • A look into which schools offer need-based aid versus merit-based BEFORE you apply.

    • Access to the College Aid Pro™ Tool that compares the net-cost of 2400+ schools.

  • Advice for student-athletes and a look at which schools offer full or partial partial scholarships

  • Student and parent loan options

  • Tuition Affordability (if elected as part of a one-time financial plan or ongoing services)

Public webinars and workshops may be free or offered for the advertised fee.

Private trainings and speaking engagements for groups or organizations are offered at a pre-determined fixed fee. Travel costs may apply.


Do I need to receive financial planning or invest with BeingFIT Financial to receive this service?

No. We love to help people prepare for college whether or not they engage with us for our core services.

What are your fees for college planning services?

Fees for Late-Stage College Planning only range from $500 - $1200 depending on your situation and services requested.

Alternatively, Early and Late-Stage College Planning may be included with a one-time financial plan or ongoing financial planning services.

What are your fees for trainings, workshops and speaker engagements?

Public webinars range from $0 - $15.

Public in-person workshops range from $25 - $150.

Private trainings, workshops, and speaking engagements range from $0 - $10,000.